Welcome to my world, cookie monsters!
It's so nice of you to stop by our new online home AND blog!
I think that's what I love most about cookies…the way they connect people, and I'm so excited to be connecting more with you, especially in this next chapter online. I've had the pleasure of meeting so many wonderful people over the past 11 years, ALL because of cookies.
Sometimes I'll be at the cookie shop when the magnitude of this extraordinary journey I'm on just hits me. I'm usually helping a customer at the front counter when it happens. Alexa is usually playing some sort of fun song. The oven timer is going off, and the cookie shop is immediately filled with an intoxicating smell of freshly baked cookies.
Out of my peripheral vision, I'll notice the hustle and bustle all around me. My amazing team of employees all scurrying around, shining in all their incredible ways as they tackle their to-do lists, customers patiently waiting for their turn to pick their favorite cookies out of the display cases, custom orders piling up on our shelves up front, waiting to get picked up and it's then when I catch myself in a moment where it all just feels surreal.
How is this even my real life? I'm a cookie lady?! I get to do this every day?!?! These supportive customers all come here because of something we can provide them with!!!
I want to forever cherish the special opportunity I've been entrusted with. I'm really grateful that you're here on this journey with us, and I encourage you to check back often for more posts about what's baking around the shop!